Self defense and just "following the law" OR unjustified, racial vigilante justice OR somewhere in between?...
Hoodie - a normal, uneventful piece of clothing (I have several by the way; comfy and warm!) OR suspicious enough to condone certain pigeonholing?...
Originally, George Zimmerman was not charged for the fatal shooting of Trayvon Marin and was released from police custody after lengthy, intensive questioning. However on April 11, 2012, he was charged with second-degree murder for Martin's death.
Fast Forward to now >Three weeks of testimony, legal arguments, and contentious national debate...
>An all female jury, a total of only six (in accordance with Florida state law for criminal, non-capital cases), five of them White...
>16+ hours of deliberations (2 days, the bulk of which was on a Saturday!)...
>And the verdict...
[Insert punctuation here. Either a '?' '!' or '.' depending on your opinion].
During jury deliberations, the breaking news in the Zimmerman trial early on Saturday, July 13, 2013, was that the jury had questions/needed clarification about the manslaughter charge. That already seemed to tip some people off that murder was no longer even on the table anymore.
And now you have it, all charges are off the table. Later that same evening, George Zimmerman was acquitted for the killing of Trayvon Martin and is a free man. Are you surprised? Happy? Outraged? Confused? Saddened? Before having any sort of emotions or opinions, hopefully you have fully educated yourself on the facts (at least the ones that were proven to be facts at trial), perhaps even reading some of the actual documents yourself such as the Affidavit of Probable Cause, 911 dispatch calls, trial transcript, etc.
Just some final notes. Zimmerman is not White. He is not Mexican. He is not Jewish simply because of his last name, which some people tried hard to make relevant at some point (in fact, Zimmerman is derived from a German surname). And finally, "Hispanic" is not a race - it is an ethnicity!
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